What’s keeping you up at night?
Is it the constant head chatter? Maybe it’s those feelings of not being good enough? Or wanting more for your life? Maybe its feeling disconnected in your relationships.
For me I remember getting stuck in anxiety. Replaying the day around and around in my head. What could I have done better? I was not good enough. Feeling sick in the stomach, restless and anxious.
When I look back at my life, I suppressed a lot of emotions. I built a shield around my heart to protect me. That seemed to work until I became a mum. The shield that was so strong could no longer hold in all the emotions brewing inside.
I became ‘Tyrant Mum’.
I was full of anger. Why did I feel so angry? I had no idea at the time, I just was. I would yell and scream at my kids like a crazy woman. I felt totally overwhelmed and out of control. Inside my body shook. I knew my behaviour was wrong. I would overreact to the smallest things.
I hated myself.
Nothing was going right. I felt like I was not good enough. Everything my husband did seemed to irritate me and I was pushing him away.
I hid this well from everyone else outside my family home, daring to not tell a soul. Scared my friends would disown me. I became anxious and withdrawn from life. I felt so alone.
I was good at wearing masks. To the outside world it looked like I had my life together.
A beautiful family, I ran a successful naturopathic practice. But in reality I was falling apart. I would spend days crying. I felt like I was a failure. I was consumed by guilt and shame, worried that my kids hated me. I was destroying their souls.
I hated being a mother. I hated who I had become.
Self-help books, daily meditation, counselling – I tried them all. They all helped for a while, but as soon as there was the slightest stress in my life, the overwhelm and anger would return.
The turning point
I always believed in fate, you know that feeling of “it’s meant to be’. But over the years, my emotions and overwhelm had completely diminished this faith. Until a serendipitous meeting in 2016. It really was fate – right place, right time thanks to my then business coach.
My life changed forever and I started my deep healing journey using processes that worked at an unconscious and soul level. All the old stuck emotions got released, all the untrue believes that lived deep in my conscious – released and changed.
I finally felt free of all the emotional baggage that had been weighing me down.
I no longer was impacted by anxiety. I was emotionally more resilient and had a new level of emotional intelligence. I felt a new level of inner calm. I started living. I became more connected spiritually. I loved being a Mum, but most importantly, I loved me!
The transformation was profound and filtered through all areas of my life, my family, my relationship with my husband, my business.
I found my purpose. To help other women and couples to heal, transform & thrive in life.

Are you ready for change?
Are you ready to break free from emotional overwhelm? Are you ready to step into the most amazing version authentic version of yourself. One that you fully love.
I am here to help you glorious woman to overcome your emotional overwhelm and frustration. I am here to help you:
Reclaim your power
Reclaim your confidence
Reclaim your joy
I am here to help couples to overcome the feeling of disconnection and frustration in their relationship. I am here to help you:
Heal your individual hearts allowing you to fully open to each other again.
Learn new ways to communicate and to understand each other at a deeper level
Rekindle the love and magic that felt lost
Using a range of holistic tools we work together to remove the obstacles that are stopping you from living in your truth.
Let’s reconnect you to your heart and let your magic shine!
Because life is for living
Life is for experiencing joy
Life is for loving who you are.
Professional Bio

Kim lives in Perth, Western Australia with her husband, Luke and two teenage children.
- Master Family Freedom Protocol Practitioner
- Relationship Sovereignty Practitioner
- Sexual Sovereignty Practitioner
- Sacred Ancestral Healing & DNA Activation Practitioner
- Sacred Starlight Temples Certified Practitioner
- Self-empowerment Coach – Release Rewire Inspire
- Naturopath (Adv.Dip Nat, B. Health Science) – ANTA 5893