Faith allows you to be the leader and creator of your own life

My self-development development journey lead me to discover that I was powerful and wise and that I was the leader in my life. The main ingredient that allowed me to do this was faith.



Faith – the complete trust in someone or something.

~ Oxford Dictionary

I can remember being as young as four and having this inner knowing and feeling of a greater presence; knowing I was part of something bigger. I have never been religious – as no one religion soothed my soul. I had faith in the infinite, a belief that the infinite would support me. But there was no daily interaction. When life felt tough I would pray for help, but when life was good there was little conversation between me and the infinite.

My thirties sparked the start of my self-development journey. I had become a mother of two beautiful children and all my emotional hurts from my past, all the emotions I had pushed down and ignored, began to surface. They surfaced as anger. Anger that would be triggered by the smallest of things. Anger that seemed to control me; anger that was taken out on my children & husband. Anger that came from not feeling good enough, feeling like a failure, feeling guilty and full of shame, feeling anxious. My life was out of control.

So the healing began. Finally, in 2016 I found tools that allowed me to deal with my emotions at the core, to heal my past and to tap into the deep wisdom that lay within me. I had found my emotional intelligence and self-esteem. I had found FAITH in me. For the first time in my life, I believed I was enough and I felt confident in my ability to handle life. Life improved immensely, but it still felt like something was missing. Ahhhhh I had forgotten my relationship with the infinite again.

In 2017 I reconnected with my spiritual self. I had found a long-lasting relationship and faith in the infinite. I had found my intuitive intelligence and spiritual self-esteem.

The Law of One states that we are all part of God, and because we are part of God, we too are God. So we are the infinite. Ricci-Jane Adams so eloquently says in her book ‘Spiritually Fierce’ – ‘I am a divine piece of benevolent God that is always working on my behalf and is communicating with me all the time.’

So you see what this means is that you cannot have faith in the infinite and not have faith in yourself. You cannot have faith in yourself and not have faith in the infinite – for they are one. It is our humanness that separates the infinite from us.

When we do the work and find faith in both, we find the recipe to navigating this human existence with more ease and flow. We find the place where we are the leader and creator of our life. The law of correspondence teaches us that we are the creator and leader of our life. As above, so below; as below, so above – the thoughts and images that we hold in our minds, in our consciousness, manifest in our external reality. We create our reality.

So how do we develop a deep faith in both?

Daily ritual and devotion are the foundations of building a strong relationship with the infinite, strengthening your spiritual self-esteem muscle. Rituals such as daily meditation, heart congruence, time spent daily in silence, solitude, and stillness. Giving silence to hear and feel the messages from the infinite.

What a glorious place to be when you find that strong faith in the infinite – a great sense of inner peace. When the faith is so strong that you can surrender and let go of any expectations on how the life you are wanting to attract, will happen. Trusting and knowing that by consciously setting your vibration and meeting your fears that the universe will provide. You stop resisting life and trust to go with the flow.

We can build our self-esteem – by doing the inner work. The journey to do this does not need to be difficult. Whatever way you choose to do this, it is always worth it.

What a glorious place to be when you have found complete faith in yourself. When you have the courage and confidence to meet your fears and to take action, to take the steps needed when you receive the guidance from the infinite.

Because when you find that faith in both. When you trust your intuition completely and take inspired action with self-confidence. That is when you find your inner power and you become the leader and creator of your own life.

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